Friday, May 15, 2009

It's been over two weeks since I've blogged. I feel so distant from everyone. It's been weeeks since I've hung out with the guys. It seems like all my time goes to work and sleep. I haven't been going to school that much niether. I've missed three days so far this school week. I really need to stop. I love working at Claws, but it's getting exhausting. I have 49 hours on my next paycheck for two weeks...That's sooo much, I really don't know how I did it niether. These weeks to come, I'm going to have that many hours too... Except Prom weekend. They gave me that Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday. Thank you, Baby Jesus. It's going to be my first free Saturday since I've started working. Cash floww is fuckin' exciting, though. But time consumption? It's crazy. I feel as if I put more energy into it than I do school... I haven't really been partying that much niether.

I haven't seen the boys for sooo long =( fAmily<3

I'm reeeeally excited for Prom! It feels as if anything I talk about, it's concerning Prom. Even though it's causing a lot of stresss, I know it'll be worth it in the end.

I have a short fuse lately. I blow up over the smallest things. And I continue to be mad, even when I'm over it, already. I really need to put my pride aside, sometimes.

I've folded your sweatshirt and I put it away. It used to just hang on my desk chair but now it's put away with the rest of my sweaters. I can say that I'm over you and all of that nonsense. I used to wear it all the time when I missed you. When I have my lazy days, when I go to sleep, when I'm bumming it, or just whenever. I always wore it. Not anymore. It's not just a sweatshirt, but it just symbolizes the fact that I'm ready to stop dwelling over you. Just ask for it back, and I gladly return it.

A prom set-up with an old flame? That's flame rekindled. I don't think I'm moving on fast, when my feelings for you have always been there. I'm comfortable enough to drop the b-bomb on you! <3 You're growing on me, got me sayin' "Holllllllllllllly". I hate that word, though... You're the only one that's broken my 'No Second Chances' rule. I really don't know why. I just hate our petty fights.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg. updates please. i feel distant from you as well )= i miss you. quad dinner/lunch soon!