Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hi, my name is Jessica Vo and my life revolves around
work. WTF. I seriously hate when people hit on me at work...
Especially when they're practically triple my age.
New schedule for this weeek: work - tues, wed, thurs, fri, sat.
Yayyyyyyyyyy me -_- I got Valerie a job, though.

With school, it's more like me always worrying about
make up work and catching up, rather than worry about class.
I seriously need to stop ditching.
I probably have more than 20 absences this semester alone.
I'm at the point where I don't care anymore, I just
want to get by. It's all over in less than a month.
Thank the Sweeet Lordd.
I'm excited for graduation! I have a speeeeech =)
I need to get at least 25-30 tickets for family...
Everyone is coming far distances just for my
graduation. And I need to get enough tickets for
all the guys and stuff, which is another at least 20 tickets.
It's not that bad. I get to sit on the stage for the ceremony!

Mama deeearst is probably going to be M.I.A
until my graduation. I've grown to live without needing
her in my life, but that doesn't stop me from wanting
her in it. I misss herr =( At least she's happy in Vietnam right now.

Some girls just need to chill the fuck out, hahah.
I couldn't even give two fucks about you guys, yet
you guys are making a big deal out of everythingg.
You guys are too pussy to say shit, anywayss.

Finalllly dinner with the QUAD last night.
I've missed you, babies =(
Sooo gooood catching up with you guys.

I haven't been gymming... It's been almost a week.
I need to seriously step on it. Prom is less than 2 weeks away!
Valentina: "Don't worry! Fruits and water when hungry!
Fast your way through it!" What are friends for...

Tomorrow, Lunch with Harrison and Valerie!
I've missed my fat bitch =')
It's felt like forever. Finally get to hang out, booo.

I'm picking up my dress from being hemmed tomorrow!
I'm excccccccited. Everything is settled, pretty much.

Jenn, I know you read my blogs, and I saw yours.
Always gon' be here for you, baby guh!

Vinh, where have you been all my life? =(

I think I'm falling in love with Drake's voice...


P.S. A lot more people read my blogs than I thought.. Tooo bad I don't have my counter anymore, hmmm.

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