Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I thought you were different. I was right. You were worse than anyone. Right now, it's not an act of anger, or anything on impulse. I'm telling you this once again, I want nothing to do with you. I've been through my share of fucked up things, but never has anyone disrespected me like this. Yeah, during the course of, shit was good. But that doesn't outweigh the gravity of the situation at hand. I just want you out of my life. I know and you know I'm angry right now, but I also know that I'm gonna be angry with you for a while, if not forever. I don't care what you have to say, and I don't care what closure you need. You fucked up. What you did was completely and utterly unforgivable. Regardless of where you stand in my life or how important you are to me, you did it, and I can never forgive you for it. I refuse to. No more third and fourth chances. The thing that gets me the most is that if I didn't find out, I know your shady ass would never have fuckin' told me, and you'd still hold up your chin high thinking you fucking run this. Our definitions are all mixed up, but I'm going by my rules, not yours. End of discussion. End of relationship.


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