Friday, April 10, 2009

I think this week really tested me. Like, reallly tested my limits. And for sure I know I don't miss anyone from my past. I'm not hung over anyone. I'm completely over it. If I were to actually tell you my past stories, you'd know that I have a rocky past with love and that I'm always dwelling over some hopeless guy. But now, if you were to ask me if I can have any guy from the past, I'd have to say no to all of them. I've always been treated poorly, and always being taken for granted. I have a repetitive habit of consistently choosing to be with bad guys. No, I take that back, because honestly, I don't think any of my ex lovers are bad. They are just flawed when it comes to affection, but I'm proud to say that I am currently, now, friends with every single one of them. I mean just because we didn't work out as more than friends, doesn't mean we can't be friends at all, right? If you were close once, why not continue to stay connected? Not being together doesn't constitute the fact that you guys can't be friends.

I'm ready to move on. I'm prepared to take a step away from what's been consuming my mind and indulge into something new and different. I want to experience something that I haven't. Because everything that I've gottten myself into, there has been pain. Everytime I open up, I always get hurt. I want to find someone where they make me feel comfortable enough for me to let down my guard. Everytime I meet someone new, it just gets harder to crack me . Often, guys get fed up with trying to wear me down. That's what I mean when I want to meet someone who is willing to put up with me; not someone who is willing to just put up with my flaws, but with my stubborn mentality. All I can guarantee is that it would be worth the wait/effort.


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