Monday, April 20, 2009

"..And maybe it's not because they want to get over you, but because they think you want to get over them. I don't want to say that you're not over *, but i know how you are. i think you want to maintain your stubbornness because you're good at that, and you're moving along well, especially now that **'s starting to weave his way into the picture, but even YOU can admit that you're having a hard time keeping that stubborn mentality toward * at one point, you were reconsidering restarting things with him, which is not a typical jvo move....right?"

I thought that moving on was ideal. It seemed like the most plausible thing to do. It seemed like the right move to make. But now, I don't know if it was the right thing to do. I must say, I was getting along fine. To find out that you've tried to remove me from your life even gave me a little push to happily get over the situation. But Tiffany, being the analytical person that she is, left me wondering if it was the right thing to do. I have to say she knows me better than I know myself. I don't even want to stresss about this shit at all.

FUCK ITTTTTTTTTTTTT. I sure as fuck don't need this. DONE, SON. DONE FUCKIN' DEAL.

Prom is coming up. I've counted. And it's going to be in 6 weeks. May 30th is the big day. But permission slips are due on May 13th... Deadline May 15th. That gives me 3 and a half weeks to find a date... I don't just want any date, because that part is easy as fuck. I want someone I know I will have fun with. That's where it gets hard.

Wow, I just realize my blogs are confusing as fuck unless you know what the fuck is going on in my life. Then it makes a shitload of sense. My god, my life is so goddamn complex and complicated. I've honestly faced so many different situations... and I'm only 17. Middle aged men probably wouldn't be capable of handling my life.

My mom left to Vietnam Saturday night. For a goood four weeks. I thinks she's extending her vacation until my graduation though... That just means I'm going to be home alone every weekend now.. fuggin' scary. But hey, I'm practically living on my own already, anyways.


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